Mental Health

disordered eating vs eating disorder

What’s the Difference Between Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders?

In today’s world, where there is so much focus on how we look and achieve certain body ideals, it’s no surprise that our relationship with food can feel confusing or even stressful. These pressures can make it hard to separate normal eating habits from patterns that might be harmful. Two common terms you’ll hear when discussing these challenges are disordered eating and eating disorders.

What’s the Difference Between Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders? Read More »

adult peer pressure

How To Deal With Adult Peer Pressure in Recovery?

Peer pressure, often associated with adolescence, doesn’t magically disappear with age. Adult peer pressure can be just as subtle, yet incredibly powerful, shaping our decisions, behaviors, and even our identities. This can be especially daunting for those in recovery. Peer pressure, both overt and subtle, can cause individuals in recovery to question their sobriety.

How To Deal With Adult Peer Pressure in Recovery? Read More »

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