Opioid Addiction

The opioid crisis in the United States represents a significant public health emergency that has garnered significant attention from the media, as well as from the medical and public health sectors. The misuse of opioids, encompassing prescription opioids, heroin, and fentanyl, has escalated to epidemic levels in the United States.

While opioids may be legitimately prescribed by healthcare professionals for pain management, both legally obtained and illicit opioid medications can result in the development of an opioid use disorder (OUD). Similar to other substance use disorders, an opioid use disorder is characterized as a chronic brain condition where individuals persist in drug use despite the adverse effects it may cause.

Although opioid use disorder is a persistent condition, it is important to note that it is treatable. While the topic of opioid addiction has posed a significant public health issue for an extended time, advancements are being made to assist individuals suffering to find access to treatment and care for their specific needs. A combination of medications and behavioral therapies can assist individuals with ceasing opioid use.

opioid treatment center

Origins Texas Recovery, located in South Padre Island, Texas, is committed to combating prescription opioid misuse, overdoses, and opioid use disorder. By raising awareness of the associated risks and promoting safe medication practices, Texans can help prevent opioid addiction and contribute to the resolution of the opioid crisis.

Opioid Addiction in Texas

In Texas, one in four individuals has either experienced an opioid overdose or knows someone who has. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 130 people in the United States die every day from opioid-related drug overdoses involving prescription or illicit opioids, including heroin, each day. Furthermore, nearly 80% of those who use heroin report having previously misused prescription opioids. These statistics are indeed sobering.

Furthermore, the statistics available do not encompass the detrimental impact that opioid misuse can have on daily life, nor do they account for the repercussions on those in the individual’s social circle. The abuse of these substances can lead to strained relationships with friends and family, diminished performance in professional or academic settings, and may result in severe health, legal, and financial ramifications.

If you suspect that a friend or family member may be misusing prescription opioids, it is crucial to address the issue. Seek advice on how to approach this difficult yet potentially life-saving discussion. Treatment options are available, and recovery is achievable.

What are Opioids?

Opioids refer to a category of drugs that are derived from the opium poppy plant. This category encompasses both synthetic and semi-synthetic compounds. These substances interact with the opioid receptors in the brain, resulting in various effects, notably including the alleviation of pain.

Prescription opioids are often utilized for their ability to alleviate pain and provide other beneficial effects. They achieve this by inhibiting the transmission of pain signals between the body and the brain. Patients experiencing chronic, mild, or severe pain may be prescribed opioid analgesics.

While prescription pain medications are legal and generally considered safe when used appropriately, there is a risk that some individuals may develop issues related to misuse, dependence, or addiction. This misuse can influence the interaction of opioids or opiates with opioid receptors, thereby affecting users.

opioids vs opiates

The use of opioids and other potent drugs causes feelings of relaxation or euphoria, which often leads to dependency and addiction. Consequently, individuals may develop an opioid use disorder, which can necessitate the involvement of a specialized opioid treatment center offering comprehensive treatment programs and therapy services.

Assistance is accessible for individuals facing challenges with opioid addiction. Locate resources for prevention, treatment, and recovery in your surrounding areas. Should you or another individual require urgent medical assistance, please dial 911. It is crucial to recognize that an opioid treatment program can also assist individuals seeking help for opiate addiction.

Prescription and Illicit Drug Use

Opioids possess addictive qualities due to their ability to activate the brain’s reward system, resulting in the release of dopamine and the subsequent experience of euphoria. This pleasurable sensation reinforces the compulsion to consume the drug again, complicating efforts to resist. The following outlines the mechanisms by which opioids function and their potential to foster addiction:

  • Opioid receptors: Opioids attach to specific receptors located in the brain, spinal cord, and various other organs.
  • Dopamine release: The consumption of opioids stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter integral to the regulation of the brain’s reward and pleasure mechanisms.
  • Euphoria: The surge of dopamine engenders a state of euphoria, contributing to an enhanced sense of well-being.
  • Tolerance: With prolonged use, the body adapts to the presence of opioids, necessitating increased dosages to achieve the same euphoric effect.
  • Withdrawal: Upon cessation or reduction of opioid intake, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms.
  • Physical dependence: The body becomes reliant on a certain dosage of opioids to avert withdrawal symptoms.
  • Brain chemistry changes: Extended use of opioids can lead to enduring alterations in the brain’s reward system, diminishing the ability to derive pleasure from other activities.

All opioids function comparably in how they affect the brain and body. They stimulate specific nerve cell regions in the brain and body known as opioid receptors, which inhibit the transmission of pain signals. Some side effects of opioid misuse to recognize include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Calmness
  • Intense happiness
  • Nausea
  • Emesis
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Decreased respiratory rate, which may lead to hypoxia: a potentially hazardous decrease in the oxygen levels within the body.

Opioid medications, including those that are prescribed by healthcare professionals, possess a high potential for addiction and significantly increase the likelihood of overdose and fatality.


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Signs and Symptoms of An Opioid Use Disorder

An opioid use disorder is a chronic neurological condition marked by persistent opioid consumption despite adverse health effects and consequences. Indicators that an individual may require treatment for opioid addiction can differ significantly from one case to another. The following signs and symptoms may suggest that a person is experiencing difficulties related to addiction.

Physical Dependence

This refers to a physiological alteration that occurs as a result of substance use. Upon cessation of the drug, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms, which can include intense cravings and perspiration.

It is crucial to recognize that an individual may develop physical dependence on opioids without engaging in harmful usage. For instance, a cancer patient suffering from chronic pain may rely on opioids for relief and be physically dependent, yet not exhibit signs of addiction.

Escalating, Frequent, and Risky Use

An individual may persist in using opioids despite the emergence of issues related to health, safety, financial stability, or interpersonal relationships. Those with opioid use disorder often find themselves unable to regulate their opioid consumption, and the associated behaviors of obtaining and using these substances increasingly disrupt their daily lives.


These manifest as intense physical and emotional desires to consume the drug, even when the individual is aware of the potential negative impacts on their well-being.

Additional Indicators of Opioid Use Disorder

The signs of an opioid use disorder may not be immediately apparent. However, over time, certain indicators may emerge, suggesting that the individual requires assistance, such as:

  • Itching of the skin
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Withdrawal from social interactions
  • Consuming opioids in quantities exceeding the prescribed amount
  • Taking prescription opioids from acquaintances or relatives
  • Obtaining prescriptions for opioids from multiple healthcare providers (commonly referred to as “doctor shopping”)
  • Participation in hazardous activities (such as driving while impaired by opioids)
  • Abrupt changes in behavior (including mood swings, irritability, or unusual euphoria)
  • Challenges with staying awake and alterations in sleep habits
  • Evidence of needle use (indicative of intravenous drug use)
  • Diminished interest in activities once found enjoyable
  • Deceit regarding substance use issues
  • Unexplained weight reduction
  • Constricted pupils

Individuals grappling with a substance use disorder may often downplay the severity of their condition and resist assistance for an extended period. Once they are prepared and motivated to embark on the path to recovery, it is crucial for them to have access to the necessary resources and to initiate treatment without delay.

opioid epidemic

Why Opioid Rehab in Texas is Necessary

The increasing prevalence of the opioid epidemic underscores the necessity for opioid treatment programs. Nevertheless, a limited number of individuals in need of substance abuse treatment actively pursue such services due to various barriers.

Opioid misuse is marked by an uncontrollable urge to consume opioid substances, even in instances where the individual desires to cease usage or when such abuse adversely impacts their physical and emotional health.

At Origins Texas Recovery in South Padre Island, TX, our mission is to enhance the accessibility of rehabilitation and to inform individuals about their available options, ensuring that those in need of assistance can obtain it. We offer treatment alternatives that instill hope in our clients grappling with alcohol addiction or drug addiction.

Risk Factors of Opioid Abuse

Several factors are associated with an increased risk for an opioid use disorder:

  • Access to and availability of opioids
  • Previous exposure to substance use (e.g., having friends or family who use substances)
  • Current or past substance use disorder
  • Family history of substance use disorder
  • Having mental health conditions such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder
  • History of abuse during childhood
  • History of conduct disorder as a child or adolescent

It is important to understand that when an individual is prescribed opioids for pain management and adheres to the prescribed usage, the criteria for physical dependence are not included in the assessment of signs and symptoms.

Not all individuals who use opioids will develop an addiction. Even those who utilize opioids strictly as directed by a healthcare professional can still be at risk for developing OUD. Over time, there is a possibility that they may start to misuse opioids, consuming them for purposes other than those for which they were initially prescribed. Treatment is a necessity for people suffering from opioid addiction. If left untreated, consequences will arise.

Treatment for Opioid Addiction

Opioid use disorder is a multifaceted condition, and effective treatment is most successful when customized to meet the specific needs of the individual. There is no universal method that proves effective for all, and individuals may need to explore various therapeutic options before discovering those that facilitate sustained recovery.

Healthcare professionals offer treatment for opioid use disorder, which can be administered either on an outpatient basis or within a residential facility, such as a rehabilitation center. In either setting, treatment may involve the use of medications like methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone, in conjunction with supportive programs designed to assist individuals in their recovery journey. Origins Texas Recovery’s opioid treatment center offers the following programs:

opioid treatment in texas

Opioid use disorder rehabilitation generally commences with a medically supervised detoxification process or a medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program. Following this initial phase, individuals will transition into an addiction treatment program tailored to their specific requirements.

The initial stage of treatment focuses on managing withdrawal, which involves assisting the individual in eliminating opioids from their system. When someone with a physical dependence on opioids ceases consumption, withdrawal symptoms typically manifest within six to twenty-four hours. The duration of this onset varies based on the specific opioid used and other contributing factors.

Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

When individuals cease the consumption of alcohol or the use of drugs following a period of substance dependence, they may encounter withdrawal symptoms. The nature of the withdrawal process can vary based on the specific substance involved. Additionally, the duration of substance abuse plays a significant role in the severity and type of withdrawal symptoms experienced. Those undergoing opioid withdrawal may face a range of challenges, including:

  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle aches
  • Excessive yawning
  • Profuse sweating
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Dilated pupils
  • Goosebumps
  • Nasal discharge
  • Irritability
  • Diarrhea

The discomfort and potential dangers associated with opioid withdrawal symptoms underscore the necessity of seeking professional treatment to overcome opioid addiction. Accessing medical and professional support during this critical period is essential for a safe and effective withdrawal process.

At Origins Texas Recovery, we recognize the distinct challenges that individuals encounter in their struggle against addiction. Consequently, we have developed a gender-specific treatment program in Texas designed to address the specific needs of men and women who are striving to overcome substance use and mental health challenges. Our modern facilities offer a tranquil and supportive atmosphere, allowing men to concentrate on their recovery process without the distractions and stresses of daily life.

When determining whether outpatient or inpatient rehabilitation is the most suitable option, it is essential to consider the advantages associated with each treatment modality. Inpatient rehabilitation centers provide individuals with the opportunity to reside at the facility throughout their treatment. Conversely, outpatient rehabilitation services enable patients to engage in therapy during the day while returning to their homes or sober living arrangements in the evenings. Inpatient treatment is particularly advantageous for individuals grappling with severe opioid addiction, while outpatient is for less severe cases.

Alternatively, outpatient rehabilitation may be more appropriate for those who have completed residential treatment. Our adaptable outpatient program enables you to uphold your daily obligations while receiving the necessary care. You will have access to personalized therapy, group sessions, and holistic methods that cater to your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

You have successfully navigated the most challenging aspects of your addiction. The path to enduring recovery now lies ahead. At Origins Recovery in Texas, a source of hope is prepared to assist you in taking the next steps. Aftercare is essential, providing the necessary support to ensure you do not confront this challenge in isolation.

We recognize the distinct difficulties that arise following initial treatment. Concerns about potential relapses or the allure of previous behaviors may weigh on your mind. Within our facility, you will discover ongoing support and a caring presence. You are entitled to a future liberated from addiction, and Origins Recovery is committed to helping you achieve that goal.

A substance use disorder, such as heroin addiction, significantly increases the likelihood of individuals experiencing mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. Dual diagnosis treatment addresses both the addiction and the accompanying mental health conditions concurrently. This integrated approach facilitates a more comprehensive recovery and diminishes the chances of relapse in the future. Common mental health disorders that frequently coexist with addiction include:

  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Our team of professionals understands the intricate relationship between addiction and mental health disorders. We view our clients as a complete individual rather than merely a collection of symptoms. You are entitled to comprehensive care that encompasses all facets of your well-being. At Origins Texas, we provide a secure and nurturing environment conducive to your healing process.

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Addiction Counseling for Opioid Use Disorder

Behavioral therapy constitutes a fundamental aspect of the treatment for opioid addiction across all our programs. Opioid use disorder significantly impacts various facets of an individual’s life. Engaging in counseling and behavioral therapy can assist individuals in confronting the underlying thoughts and behaviors linked to detrimental opioid use, while also equipping them with strategies to mitigate these issues.

Treatment centers may offer a range of resources, including group therapy, relapse prevention training, vocational and educational services, as well as community-based or family-oriented support. Additionally, mental health assessments and other supportive services may be provided to facilitate ongoing recovery. The various types of therapy incorporated into our substance abuse treatment initiatives include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Holistic Therapy
  • Individual Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Family Therapy

Engagement in either individual or group counseling can lead to transformative outcomes through behavioral therapy. Individuals are provided with a platform to share their addiction-related challenges with specialists and therapists who possess a deep understanding of the complexities associated with addiction. Family therapy helps people and their loved ones get through challenges together, learn to communicate more effectively, and repair relationships.

Our Opioid Treatment Center Can Help You Recover

For the first time in many years, public health statistics indicate a significant and encouraging decrease in drug overdose fatalities throughout the United States. National surveys conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal an extraordinary reduction in drug-related deaths, by 10.6% since 2020. This marks a substantial turnaround from previous years, during which fatal overdoses consistently rose by double-digit percentages.

Nevertheless, approximately 100,000 deaths continue to occur annually. The combination of street drugs, including fentanyl, methamphetamines, xylazine, and other synthetic substances, has become increasingly lethal.

It is imperative to enhance support for individuals struggling with addiction when they are prepared to seek recovery. Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), emphasized the importance of implementing preventive strategies. If the recent decline in drug overdoses is attributed to effective interventions, addiction specialists must intensify their efforts to provide assistance and support in the event of overdoses.

At Origins Texas Recovery in South Padre Island, TX, our methodology is customized to meet your unique requirements. Together, we will formulate a treatment plan that aligns with your lifestyle and aspirations. You don’t have to face this challenge alone. You have a dedicated ally in your journey to recovery. Initiate your path toward a healthier and more fulfilling life by contacting us today. We have the power to help prevent opioid misuse.

opioid use disorder
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