Meth Addiction Treatment
What is Meth?
What Does Meth Look Like?
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Meth Addiction?
Meth addiction-causing eye redness is much more pronounced than other drug addictions. This bloodshot appearance around the Retinas is one of the first easily noticeable signs of meth-related dependency. Individuals with this feature may appear severely tired or withdrawn physically. When it comes to meth dependency sufferers, look no further than eye contact to see the evidence.
Another physical distinction of meth addiction is droopy purple bags beneath the eyes. These bags often occur as a result of sleep deprivation due to the heart-stimulating effects of methamphetamines. Therefore, these drugs cause extended periods of sleeplessness to produce these profound eye bags.
Individuals who exhibit overhyped or unusually hyperactive behavior is a tell-tale sign of stimulant abuse, especially meth. This can also be reflected in accelerated speech to an indiscernible degree. If this describes you or a loved one, don’t ignore the signs that professional help is needed. If you suspect something is amiss due to uncharacteristic or unusually high energy levels, seek professional help now.
Individuals with a meth addiction will prioritize using over work or academic responsibilities, causing their performance to suffer in numerous areas. These areas consist of frequent work absences or tardiness. In the case of academics, meth addiction will cause a steep decline in study habits, missed homework assignments, and class absences. Consequently, this will eventually lead to job loss and failing grades, among other life strains if left untreated.

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What are the Short-Term Side Effects of Meth Addiction?
The stimulating effects of methamphetamine cause an abnormal rise in heart rate. This is the primary reason people under its influence have abnormally high energy levels, among other mental effects. This can also induce fluttering or palpitations. In cases of overdose, this can cause the heart to race so dramatically to the point of cardiac arrest.
In cases of meth overdose, which contributes to around a staggering 34,000 overdose-related deaths annually, hyperthermia occurs. This happens due to the excess drug levels that dangerously destabilize the thermoregulating system that prevents your body from overheating. In turn, drug-induced hypothermia causes dangerous body temperature elevation that can lead to organ shutdown, brain damage, and eventual death. In this instance, immediate medical attention is the only solution to prevent fatal outcomes
With accelerated heart rate comes high blood pressure due to the heart having to work harder. As the heart races, it pumps more blood throughout your body, causing unhealthily high blood pressure. The coinciding short-term strain of rapid heart rate and high blood pressure alone can also contribute to some of the long-term effects mentioned in the following section.
Methamphetamines have a profound effect on hunger in the aspect that it decreases your appetite considerably. This is why people who suffer meth addiction often go long hours or even days without eating. If addiction is severe and indulged enough, it can even lead to death by starvation from forgetting to eat. Meth-related appetite suppression is no joke and should be treated with the utmost caution and sincere recovery approach. Visit one of our meth treatment centers near you to get all our rehab tools at our disposal.
What are the Long-Term Side Effects of Meth Addiction?
Every mind has its limit and when methamphetamines have taken their maximum toll, it can induce mental health conditions. Most of which are not fully reversible. However, you can reverse and diminish the magnitude of mental health symptoms and conditions by enrolling in treatment at a meth rehab center. Once rehab stabilizes the neuronic frequencies once harmed and distorted by addiction, you can take control of your mental health. Equally important, you can take control of your life again.
The cardiovascular system can only take so much of meth’s heart-accelerating effects before it takes a permanent toll on the heart. This includes, but is not limited to heart disease, congestive heart failure, and heart valve-related deficiencies, among other permanent heart conditions. Therefore, each moment lost to meth dependency is another step closer to acquiring permanent heart problems.
It’s a disheartening fact that methamphetamine dependency harms not just the user, but also the people closest to you. Over time it takes a distressing toll on loved ones, often causing severed bonds in unique ways. Thankfully, these shattered relationships can be pieced together by understanding each other better. That’s why Origins Texas Recovery is dedicated to mending these bonds through unparalleled family therapy treatment.
Extended Meth use deprives your bones of the necessary nutrients to build strong healthy bone density. This leaves you more susceptible to breaks and injuries while lengthening the elapsed time required for full recovery. In addition, these bone mineral deficiencies also leave you more prone to numerous bone cancers.
Since meth stimulates an abnormally excessive release of dopamine, this eventually leads to your body failing to produce enough dopamine naturally. This can lead to depression and other forms of mental illnesses. While a dopamine-deficient brain caused by meth may struggle to create these neurons, some medications can help aid these dopamine deficiencies and gradually remove uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Thus choosing the right detox program is among the most intricate parts of every recovery journey.
Victoria H
I couldn’t recommend Origins more, I first attended their IOP program, then their residential program in South Padre. I’m writing this today a year and a half sober and going strong. Origins has literally saved my life in more ways than one.
Emily W
The clinicians are knowledgeable and skilled in a way that is always helpful and never harmful. This program brought me lasting healing and freedom.
Mary L
I cannot say enough about Hannah’s House. I entered broken, tired and far more sick than I realized. I was treated with kindness, love, patience and respect by all. I was so frightened to go but sad to leave, that speaks volumes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all who put me back together, I am eternally grateful.
Jack W
I struggled with my sobriety for over 5 years, but they were able to help me through the 12 steps of AA. I have been sober ever since my experience here. I’ll be hitting 2 years of sobriety in 22 days, thanks to this treatment center. No matter where you go, it’s all about your level of commitment towards gaining a better life ?
Jazmine R
Origins was exactly what I needed. The staff were incredibly knowledgeable, compassionate, and helpful. They come with years of experience and consider each individual they’re helping. If you’re looking for a facility that will truly care as much as you/your parents do, or are desperate for a miracle — I can’t recommend Origins more! ❤️
Meth Addiction Treatment Programs
As alluded to earlier, methamphetamines are a drug that can tear friends and families apart. Our family therapy treatment is geared towards restoring family bonds by helping both parties understand both sides of the story. Most importantly it utilizes your family to be the greatest support structure one could have to ensure maximum treatment efficacy. When you understand each other and how to respond proactively, it helps the family grow together throughout the recovery process.
CBT treatment is a unique medically-proven mental process that helps you untrain the natural tendencies of the addictive personality. This process is commenced by physicians getting to the root cause of your addiction. Once physicians identify your habits, triggers, and tendencies they can implement individualized coaching sessions to remove these addiction-indulging desires. Most importantly, they replace these addictive impulses with new and enjoyable habits that eventually become second nature. This scientific process is reported by many to be a blissfully enlightening experience. Reach out today to learn more about the journey of self-discovery that is cognitive behavioral therapy.
Individual therapy is one of the most popular and personal treatment programs you could have. As the name indicates, this is just you and your therapist diving deep into the root cause of your struggle. Figuring this out opens the gateway to provide you with the best and most efficient path to complete self-sustainable sobriety. This is also for individuals who prefer their treatment to be as confidential as possible.

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Recover at Our Meth Rehab Center
With Origins Texas Recovery, you can let go of the burdening strains of addiction and grab control of your life. The moment you reach out to us, you’ll immediately feel the mental and physical alleviation from our compassionate treatment team. We are eagerly awaiting your call.